Coventry & Gattis A/C, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

The C&G Guide to Your Air Filter: Why It’s So Important

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Every air conditioner has an air filter, a necessary component that needs to be changed out every once in a while. Just like the oil in your car, the air filter in your air conditioner requires changing and routine maintenance. But unlike other maintenance that your AC might require, this can be done completely on your own without our help!

But why is such a simple component so important? And if it’s something so easy to change out, why does it carry such a weight for the health and longevity of your air conditioner?

These are excellent questions. The truth is that a neglected air filter could lead to many AC problems and the necessity for AC repair in Grapevine, TX. We will do our best to explain why these problems occur and how an air filter change helps.

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Refrigerant Leaks: A Complete Guide to Detection

Monday, May 6th, 2024

There’s one important rule of air conditioning that none of us can forget: you can’t have AC without refrigerant. If your air conditioner were to get rid of all the refrigerant coursing through its lines, it would inevitably turn into nothing more than a giant fan that didn’t do more than your average ceiling fan or box fan.

In fact, the refrigerant and the compressor is exactly what separates your air conditioner from a fan or other comfort system—it actually cools the air as opposed to circulating it and making it feel cooler. This is a big difference and something that might not be as easy to grasp for homeowners.

But how do you detect a refrigerant leak? And does a minor refrigerant leak still require AC repair in Grapevine, TX? This blog post will break down everything you need to know about refrigerant leaks so you can easily detect them and get your system fixed pronto.

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