Coventry & Gattis A/C, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Using the Point System: Determining If Your AC Is Ready for Retirement

Monday, July 15th, 2024

How is your air conditioner doing? Does it make you smile when you get home to the cool, conditioned air? Or are you constantly frustrated or worried by the bills that are inevitably coming your way?

This is an unfortunate reality for many homeowners. But a solution is on the horizon. We’d consider AC replacement in Grapevine, TX as a great solution for many homeowners who are nervous about the state of their cooling technology.

Don’t worry, before we recommend this, we want customers to look at the point system we’ve devised below to determine if they’re ready for AC replacement or not.

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It’s Time to Ditch the Window AC: Upgrading to Central Air

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Central air conditioning is a term that is known widely throughout pop culture. When you close your eyes and imagine your home with “central air” you probably think of closing the front door on a hot and muggy day to enjoy a cool breeze coming from the indoor vents. You can sleep soundly, pull up a blanket for a movie night, and even just read a book regardless of how hot it is outside.

When compared to window AC units, central air conditioning is a huge step up. But what if we told you that central AC in Grapevine, TX isn’t as expensive of a choice as you might think? With great promotions available, high-efficiency systems, and even comparing it to window AC units, a central air conditioner could save you money over time.

Let’s talk about why it’s time to ditch the window units and upgrade to a central air conditioner.

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DIY Maintenance: Why It’s Not a Very Good Idea

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

In this blog, we’d like to specify some very important information.

For starters, we’re not talking about your air filter. This component requires regular maintenance, but we believe that our customers can do this on their own. This is different from the AC maintenance in Grapevine, TX we’ll be talking about below.

Maintenance involves a system inspection, cleaning, and adjustments to retain optimal performance and efficiency. These should only be done by a licensed professional. To figure out why this is such a complicated process, we’ll need to break down some of the problems that come with DIY maintenance, and why even a thorough tutorial video online is not going to be enough to prepare you for the worst scenario.

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The C&G Guide to Your Air Filter: Why It’s So Important

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Every air conditioner has an air filter, a necessary component that needs to be changed out every once in a while. Just like the oil in your car, the air filter in your air conditioner requires changing and routine maintenance. But unlike other maintenance that your AC might require, this can be done completely on your own without our help!

But why is such a simple component so important? And if it’s something so easy to change out, why does it carry such a weight for the health and longevity of your air conditioner?

These are excellent questions. The truth is that a neglected air filter could lead to many AC problems and the necessity for AC repair in Grapevine, TX. We will do our best to explain why these problems occur and how an air filter change helps.

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Refrigerant Leaks: A Complete Guide to Detection

Monday, May 6th, 2024

There’s one important rule of air conditioning that none of us can forget: you can’t have AC without refrigerant. If your air conditioner were to get rid of all the refrigerant coursing through its lines, it would inevitably turn into nothing more than a giant fan that didn’t do more than your average ceiling fan or box fan.

In fact, the refrigerant and the compressor is exactly what separates your air conditioner from a fan or other comfort system—it actually cools the air as opposed to circulating it and making it feel cooler. This is a big difference and something that might not be as easy to grasp for homeowners.

But how do you detect a refrigerant leak? And does a minor refrigerant leak still require AC repair in Grapevine, TX? This blog post will break down everything you need to know about refrigerant leaks so you can easily detect them and get your system fixed pronto.

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C&G HVAC Tips: Is a Ductless AC Worth the Investment?

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

If you were to close your eyes and imagine a heat pump, what would it look like? Most people would just see a system that looked similar to a central air conditioner, with an outside condenser unit and an inside evaporator unit. Many people don’t even know that ductless HVAC systems, the little mounted mini splits that can sit on a wall, are actually heat pumps.

Remember the old adage, don’t judge a book by its cover? This is especially true for ductless mini splits. These systems might be small and encased in plastic, but they’re powerhouses in the HVAC world. Not only can a ductless heat pump in Grapevine, TX be an excellent purchase for your home’s comfort needs, but it can save you a ton of money on a yearly basis with its excellent efficiency rates.

Let’s learn about why a ductless AC is such a great investment.

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HVAC Tune-Ups: An Essential Part of System Care

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

It’s easy to ignore your HVAC system as long as it’s working and your home is comfortable. If you’re a believer that no news is good news, then an operational HVAC system showing no signs of problems translates to: Why go looking for one? Right? Actually, we’d say, no, wrong! Just because your system seems fine doesn’t mean it is okay. Manufacturers and industry professionals agree that yearly tune-ups are vitally important to your heating and cooling unit’s long-term health because they catch problems before they become costly and disruptive.

There are many benefits associated with seasonal system maintenance and virtually no downsides. When you opt for preventative care in the form of a tune-up or maintenance plan, you are decreasing the chances your system will experience emergency breakdowns. This is great news for you because national averages show that emergency service calls are double and, in some cases, triple the costs of a regular service call. If you’ve never considered scheduling a tune-up for your HVAC system, stop missing out on the benefits and savings!

Here are several benefits of HVAC system care and tune-ups:

  1. Reduced Risk of System Breakdowns: After each winter, your heating system is sitting around unused during the summer, and all that time sitting idle can leave your system unprepared to operate at peak performance when you need it again. When your system is not working optimally, that means it’s overworking to heat or cool your home. When your heating system has to work harder to warm your home, it’s left open to breakdowns and system failures. By scheduling a seasonal tune-up for your heating system this winter, you can ensure that your heater is ready for the winter months ahead.
  2. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Your indoor air quality can impact the efficiency of your heating system. When your home’s air is dirty, your system is filtering and treating air full of dust and particles. When that dust and dirt are in your system, it can harm its components. When you schedule a tune-up with a trained and licensed HVAC specialist, one of the first points on your service provider’s list will be to clean any dirt, dust, or debris from your system. Dust and dirt are the enemies of your heating and cooling unit. The particles get into your system and cause it to work less efficiently. Tune-ups ensure that your system is clean and working as efficiently as possible.
  3. Lower Energy Spending: You will realize savings by cleaning and ensuring your heating system is working correctly. Your HVAC system uses almost half of all the energy in your home, so when it’s not working properly, it costs you big bucks throughout the year. Allowing your system to remain dirty and unkempt means you are essentially wasting energy. As we mentioned earlier, tuning-up your system can yield greater efficiency and better operation. These system improvements mean your system will not work as hard or operate as long, which translates to energy savings!
  4. Extended System Lifespan: Your system is like any other piece of machinery or appliance; it’s upkeep and general care will dictate how long it lasts and works for you. If you operate your HVAC system long and hard, ignoring it until you need to use it again, then it’s likely you will not get the maximum years out of the system. Your heating and cooling systems represent a significant investment, so you want to ensure you protect it by scheduling seasonal tune-ups before heavy usage.

By choosing to schedule a tune-up before planned seasonal heavy usage, you can ensure that your HVAC unit is in the best condition to serve you for the upcoming year. The average system can last you up to 25 years, so you could be saving a good deal of money by investing in your unit’s upkeep.

Convenient Tune-ups from Coventry Gattis

The team at Coventry & Gattis Air Conditioning, Inc. offers convenient maintenance and tune-up services that can help you take care of your HVAC system and extend its lifespan. As a full-service provider of heating and cooling solutions, our licensed, trained, and experienced team of professionals is always ready to offer helpful and timely care for your comfort systems.

We work with the best products in the business, and our specialists are consistently recognized for their dedication to customer care and satisfaction. When you choose to work with us, you are getting over four decades of experience and a team of trustworthy professionals committed to promptly solving your HVAC issues. Don’t miss out on all the great ways you can benefit from preventative care for your heating and cooling unit!

If you are experiencing fear of missing out because you’ve learned about all the savings and benefits of preventative maintenance, hurry and call the team at Coventry & Gattis Air Conditioning, Inc. at (817) 242-4888. We can schedule an appointment today!

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