Coventry & Gattis A/C, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘ductless AC’

C&G HVAC Tips: Is a Ductless AC Worth the Investment?

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

If you were to close your eyes and imagine a heat pump, what would it look like? Most people would just see a system that looked similar to a central air conditioner, with an outside condenser unit and an inside evaporator unit. Many people don’t even know that ductless HVAC systems, the little mounted mini splits that can sit on a wall, are actually heat pumps.

Remember the old adage, don’t judge a book by its cover? This is especially true for ductless mini splits. These systems might be small and encased in plastic, but they’re powerhouses in the HVAC world. Not only can a ductless heat pump in Grapevine, TX be an excellent purchase for your home’s comfort needs, but it can save you a ton of money on a yearly basis with its excellent efficiency rates.

Let’s learn about why a ductless AC is such a great investment.

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